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3 Aplikasi Play Store Yang Paling Banyak Dicari

Android yang saat ini sedang naik daun berkat aplikasi - aplikasi terbaiknya sangatlah diminati oleh kalangan penggila Gadget, namun apa sajakah aplikasi yang paling diminati oleh penggunanya?

Beriku ini kami ulas beberapa 3 Aplikasi Play Store Yang Paling Banyak Dicari untuk penggunanya. Kami mereview berdasarkan Keyword searching yang sering muncul di Play Store.


Aplikasi ini menduduki peringkan pertama dengan jumlah sekitar 500 Juta pencarian setiap bulannya, ini merupakan Top Search tertinggi di Play Store. Tak heran mengingat banyak sekali pengguna Facebook di kalangan penggila Gadget.


Ternyata si pemilik Android ini memperoleh peringkat kedua Top Search Play Store dengan jumlah 100 Juta pencarian di Play Store. Google mempunyai banyak sekali aplikasi seperti Google Search, Google Now, Google Play Music, Google Play Newstand, Google Play Books, Google Play Games, Google Plus, Google Play Store dan masih banyak lagi. Lewat aplikasi Google ini sangat memudahkan kita dalam memerintah Gadget tercinta. Sedikit review, Google Now adalah aplikasi terbaik dikalangan Google Family, Aplikasi ini dapat memberikan informasi aktual seputar cuaca, lokasi kita berada, estimasi waktu ke tempat tujuan, melaporkan hasil pertandingan dan lain lainnya.


Aplikasi ini menduduki peringkat ketiga dengan jumlah 92 Juta pencarian di Play Store. Aplikasi besutan Google, Inc. ini memiliki 3 Juta pengguna setia yang telah memasang aplikasi ini di perangkat ini.

Itulah 3 Aplikasi Play Store Yang Paling Banyak Dicari pada tahun 2014 ini.
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Posted by: Haidar Baharmuz Gadgets Effect, Updated at: 03.39

Review: Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Sistem Operasi Windows 8

Windows 8 adalah Sistem Operasi terbaru dari Microsoft. Sistem Operasi ini resmi dirilis pada tanggal 26 Oktober 2012 kemarin. Sistem Operasi Windows ini di keluarkan dalam 3 versi,Windows 8, Windows 8 Pro dan Windows 8 RT. Namun sekarang telah terdapat update Windows 8.1 yang bisa di dapatkan di Windows Store.

Untuk itu tim Gadgets Effect ingin me review tentang Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Sistem Operasi Windows 8 yang akan di ulas berdasarkan Sistem Operasi yang kami install. Kami menguji pada Windows 8 Pro with Media Center.


Booting dan Shut down cepat
Terbukti saat Gadgets Effect menguji dengan menyalakan Laptop yang terinstall Windows 8, booting hanya dalam hitungan detik saja, setelah itu sistem operasi langsung siap dijalankan. Tidak seperti pendahulu nya Windows 7, Windows 8 lebih siap tanggap meski baru di nyalakan.

Tampilan Lebih Berwarna dan Simpel
Tampilan Sistem Operasi ini lebih berwarna serta dinamis, tidak seperti pendahulunya, perpaduan warna di Windows 8 lebih harmonis. Terbukti saat Start up Windows 8 ini masuk dalam Start menu yang disuguhi warna menarik. Tampilan ala metro ini menjadikan desain yang simple namun elegan. Tampilan Metro ini merupakan Kelebihan Windows 8, karna dengan diusungnya desain baru ini menghemat kinerja Kartu Grafis, sehingga lebih responsif untuk menjalankan Game High End.

Telah Mengusung Layar Sentuh
Layar sentuh pada Windows 8 ini terbilang sangat responsif. Kami mengakui bahwa Sistem Operasi ini lebih cocok digunakan untuk Laptop berlayar sentuh.

Konsumsi RAM Hemat
Saat kami menjalankan Task Manager, Performance Windows 8 cukup apik dengan hanya mengkonsumsi RAM di kisaran 600MB. Kami menguji pada Sistem Operasi yang telah terinstall Program standard seperti Office, Corel, Adobe, AutoCAD dan beberapa Game.

Software Terbaru yang Lebih Baik
Sebagian orang pasti tidak menggunakan Internet Explorer sebagai browser mereka. Namun tidak di Windows 8, Internet Explorer terbaru Microsoft lebih responsif ketimbang pendahulunya.


Belum Banyak Support Software
Ini terbukti pada fitur Compability, masih banyak software Windows 7, Vista dan XP yang tidak dapat dijalankan di Windows 8 meskipun telah mengatur fitur Compability.

User Interface pada Windows 8 ini masih sangat membingungkan bagi banyak orang, banyak sekali fitur fitur penting yang justru disembunyikan. Kami juga kecewa karna Windows 8 tidak dapat bergabung di HomeGroup Windows 7. Dijaman yang canggih ini, harusnya Windows 8 lebih dinamis lagi pada segi sistem dan komunikasi. Dari segi desain Metro juga belum terlalu efisien, dengan tampilan Fullscreen metro membua banyak Shortcut yang tidak dapat diakses.

Banyak Driver yang Tidak Support
Banyak sekali driver yang belum support seperti Bluetooth, bahkan sebagian pengguna tidak dapat terhubung dengan hotspot meskipun telah terinstall driver Wireless.


Windows 8 sangat bagus dari segi performa, namun masih kurang memadai pada beberapa fitur fitur sederhana. Harga yang di banderol sangat lah wajar untuk membawa pulang DVD Original Windows 8.
Tentu nantinya Microsoft akan menyediakan lagi update terbaru yang lebih baik.
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Posted by: Haidar Baharmuz Gadgets Effect, Updated at: 03.55

Review: Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Samsung Galaxy S4

Kali ini Gadgets Effect akan membahas Review Samsung Galaxy S4
Samsung memang mulai digemari dikalangan Smartphone, namun tetap saja tidak ada produk yang sempurna, untuk itu kami membahas Kekurangan dan Kelebihan Samsung Galaxy S4 ini.



Desain terlihat kokoh ketika kita melihat pertama kali, case ponsel ini mengadopsi bahan plastic yang sangat solid dan juga ringan, mantap untuk digenggam walaupun smartphone negri gingseng ini mengusung laya sebesar 5 inch. Tak jauh dengan seri sebelumnya, hanya saja agak sedikit tebal 0.7mm dibanding ‘kakak’ nya, mengingat ponsel ini tahan terhadap air, benturan dan debu, ini takkan jadi hal yang besar.
Ponsel pintar ini mengusung layar jenis Super AMOLED dengan Resolusi mencapai 1080 x 1920 pixels, warna yang terlihat begitu tajam dan ciamik dengan kerapatan pixel 441ppi. Walaupun Layar Capasitive Touchscreen ponsel pabrikan negri gingseng ini sangat smooth, sepertinya Samsung tak puas sampai disitu, adanya fitur Air Gesture dan Air View membuat ponsel pintar ini dapat berinteraksi dengan penggunanya tanpa perlu menyentuh layar, cukup hanya beberapa gerakan di udara maka ponsel ini akan mengerti intruksi penggunanya.


Beralih ke perangkat dalam, Samsung mengklain ponselnya mengadopsi processor berinti delapan. Dengan adanya Dual - Quad Core yang mereka klaim dengan nama Exynos 5 Octa, ponsel pintar ini genap memiliki delapan inti yang disebut Octa Core. Exynos 5 Octa ini terdiri atas Cortex A15 Quad Core 1.6 GHz dan Cortex A7 Quad Core 1.2 GHz. Ponsel Samsung Galaxy 4 tetap akan irit baterai meski Processornya garang.

Storage & Memory

RAM 2GB telah disematkan kedalam ponsel ini, layaknya ponsel High End. Internal Storage pun tak kalah besar, Samsung menyematkan Internal sebesar 16GB, 32GB, 64GB. Lebih mengagumkan lagi terdapat High Speed Micro SD Slot yang dapat dijalankan hingga kapasitas 64GB.


Untuk urusan penjepretan, dual kameranya dapatn menjadi andalan urusan fotografi anda. Dengan Front Camera 13 Mega Pixels dan Rear Camera 2 Megapixels dilengkapi pula LED Flash dan Autofocus. Video Recordingnya dapat merekam Video High Definition dengan ukuran 1080p. Fitur pendukung seperti Eye Tracking sebagai perintah Smart Pause, fitur ini akan menghentikan Video Playing hanya dengan mengalihkan arah pandangan mata dari layar ponsel. Terdapat juga Smart Scroll yang dapat diaktifkan dengan gerakan mata.


Ponsel cepat panas. Sebagian pengguna mengeluhkan ponselnya cepat panas. Hal ini sangat wajar melihat processor yang diusungnya terlalu ‘wah’ hanya untuk sekedar ponsel pintar.
Baterai boros. Meskipun pihak Samsung mengatakan ponselnya hemat energy, tetap saja 20% pengguna mengeluh ponselnya boros.
Kecerahan Layar kurang memadai. Untuk sekelas ponsel High End ternyata banyak complain tentang masalah kecerahan Super AMOLED nya.
Beberapa Sensor kurang berfungsi sempurna seperti pada fitur Smart Pause dan Smart Scroll.

Kesimpulan oleh Gadgets Effect.

Ponsel ini patut dimiliki bagi mereka yang mau megrogoh koceknya dalam-dalam. Untuk kelemahan, Gadgets Effect menghimbau untuk tidak menginstall aplikasi berlebihan diluar kebutuhan, meskipun Samsung Galaxy S4 ini memilik spesifikasi yang cukup tinggi, tetap saja pengguna harus pintar menyiasati keadaan.
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Posted by: Haidar Baharmuz Gadgets Effect, Updated at: 02.46

Apple Wasted Money by Buyback Shares for US$ 14 miliar

Apple bought his own shares on the stock market worth U.S. $ 14 billion in the last two weeks. Stock buyback is done after reporting disappointing financial performance market.

Because Apple's stock price immediately dropped shortly after the announcement of financial performance. Well, two advantages of this buyback are Apple could buy back in well as low price slowly raise the price of its shares back.

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, quoted by AFP on Friday (07/02/2014), Apple CEO Tim Cook said he was surprised the correction of the stocks of the iPhone manufacturer. He considers this situation an opportunity for Apple to buy back shares in the market.

In total, the shares have been bought back by Apple was valued at U.S. $ 40 billion, based on data from the Wall Street Journal.

iPhone and iPad Sales is translucent record, but investors are concerned with the projected slowdown in sales of Apple in this year because it has many competitors in the market.

US-based technology giant's record iPhone sales in the last quarter of 2013. As a result, Apple made ​​a profit of U.S. $ 13.1 billion.

Company which was founded by Steve Jobs recorded a turnover of U.S. $ 57.6 billion, due sales of 51 million iPhone.

In addition, the company based in California was also already sold 26 million iPads during the quarter ended December 28, 2013 the. The amount is a record, as well as sales of 4.8 million Macs penetrating.

The buyback program is included in Apple to return profits to investors worth U.S. $ 100 billion. Based on the amount of as much as U.S. $ 60 billion has been set aside to buy back stock.

At the close of trading Thursday, Apple shares slightly decreased 0.02% to U.S. $ 512.51 per share. Advantages of investing in these stocks in a year to reach 15.55% rear.
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Posted by: Haidar Baharmuz Gadgets Effect, Updated at: 22.43

Author Candy Crush Selling Their Shares for US$ 532.8 Million

King Digital Entertainment Plc, the company behind the success of mobile games 'Candy Crush Saga', intends to sell some of its shares on the stock exchange. Funds can be scooped reach U.S. $ 532.8 million billion.

The Irish company will record its shares on the stock market the United States (U.S.) this month. King will leverage the investment in the high technology sector lately.

Digital King intends trailed success tech stocks such as Facebook and Twitter at the end of last year. Other technology companies that will follow, among others, Spotify, Airbnb, and Square

The technology company will sell 22.2 million shares in the range of U.S. $ 21-24 per sheet. With the highest price range then the value of the firm King Digital will reach U.S. $ 7.6 billion.

Initial public offering (IPO) will be held March 26, said two underwriters told Reuters on Thursday (03/13/2014).

Dublin-based company will sell 15.5 shares when bidding later, while Apax Ventures which also holds shares of King will sell 6.7 million shares.

End of February, as many as 144 million people actively playing a game made by the King or an average of 1.4 billion players every day.

After the IPO, Apax will acquire 44.2% stake in King, while the CEO Riccardo Zacconi, who had led the company since its inception in 2003, holding a 9.5% stake.

'Candy Crush Saga' last year became the most downloaded applications and generates the highest turnover among other applications.

This game has been downloaded 500 million times since its launch in 2012. The game is free, but there are several features that can be obtained with pay, such as extra lives and additional game time.

King reap a turnover of U.S. $ 1.9 billion in 2013, or an average of U.S. $ 50 billion a day. While profits reached U.S. $ 825 million, soaring higher than previous year profit U.S. $ 28.5 million.
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Posted by: Haidar Baharmuz Gadgets Effect, Updated at: 22.29

Samsung Lose Against Apple, Charged a Penalty of USD 930 Million

Fights between Apple against Samsung in a U.S. court eventually entered the final round. South Korean vendors were lost from the 'host'.

Koh judges who hear the case in the last year to win the hammer knocking Apple. Samsung was found guilty of a number of patent infringement, and are required to pay USD 930 million.

Although he was convicted and ordered to pay a large indemnity, Judge Koh rejects Apple request to ban the sale of Samsung products in the land of Uncle Sam.

This means that, after the payment be made ​​Samsung is still selling in the United States. So that was quoted from GSM Arena, Friday (07/03/2014).

The fight itself was started in 2012. At that time Apple also won and Samsung are required to pay USD 1.05 billion. However, Samsung's appeal against the amount to be paid because of differences in the value of the infringed patents

Session was continued until it was decided by Judge Koh, the compensation value has decreased from the previous. With this decision, for the case between Samsung and Apple stopped.

But if the high tension between the two companies will decrease?
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Posted by: Haidar Baharmuz Gadgets Effect, Updated at: 22.18

5 Years Old Kid Makes Google Sued

California - A group of parents ready to sue Google. They feel the king of the internet does not do a good protection making it easier for children to use their parents money.

The claims were made ​​by Berger & Montague law firm. This stems from a 5-year-old boy who a day spent USD 66 for in-app purchase in the game Marvel Run Jump Smash!

Google, through the Play Store, it provides millions of applications and games that can be downloaded for free or low-priced. But many of them also offer paid content in the application, this is considered to be 'trapped' children.

Parents highlighted the Google system is considered easier for children to carry out transactions in the application. Therefore, the process of purchasing the content in the game does not require special authentication such as purchase applications.

"It allows the kids to purchase content without permission from the parents and without having to enter a password. Then the billing directly charged to the parent" writes Berger & Montague agency demands.

Similar demands actually also been made to Apple who then make them change in app purchase system. Well, now Google's turn to hit contested. As quoted from The Next Web, Thursday (03/13/2014).
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Posted by: Haidar Baharmuz Gadgets Effect, Updated at: 22.09

Prevent Condensing Lens

Jakarta - When the lens is moved from a cold to a hot area or contrary, there is the possibility of the lens will have condensation or dewy.

A common example is when we get out of the car air-conditioned chill out hot car. Or conversely, when we carry out our camera and lens from a warm place like home to outdoor cooler and moist.

Meetings between the camera and lens are warm to a cool place will keep the moisture stick and condense into dew on the surface and inside the camera lens.

If allowed to go or repeated, this condensation can cause mildew, rust and even shorting.

How to avoid it is to enter the camera and lens into an airtight plastic / ziplock, and then let the camera and lens to adjust slowly to the new temperature.

It should be about 10-20 minutes to adjust depending on the length of the lens. Simple and short lenses like the 50mm prime lens or a zoom 18-55mm takes less time to adjust to the new temperature.

If you already condensing / condensing, do not remove the lens from the camera and insert the camera and lens in plastic and try to remove the air from the plastic. Incorporating water absorbent such as silica or rice can also help.

Do not worry and wait until the camera adjusts to the ambient air. In some cases, need to wait 1-2 days to recover the camera and lens to normal.
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Posted by: Haidar Baharmuz Gadgets Effect, Updated at: 22.01

5 Tips for Photographing Ray of Light

Jakarta - One photograph subjects that usually attract attention is the ray of light. The reflection of sunlight shining on the earth dreamy and magical memorable.

Actually not difficult to photograph rays of light, just that we need to observe the light well, is in position and the right camera settings. Some tips to get ray of light ( ROL ) the following may be tried:

1. The morning in the highlands
In the morning shortly after sunrise, and in the highlands, usually a lot of fog are quite low, as the sun shines through the fog, that's when we can see quite clearly biased light .

2. Photographing behind trees / leaves
Trees and foliage can be split bias sun light so that the lines look more apparent.

3. Find a dark background
Background such as climbing walls, a dark room, or leafy trees will make a ray of light more clearly because of differences in the light dark contrast.

4. Use smoke to refract light
If there is no mist, you can use the smoke to get a ray of light effect. Cigarette smoke and incense ( incense ) are two popular enameled smoke. Make smoke in the path of light rays.

5. Setting the camera exposure
The sunlight is too bright camera light can outwit calculation (metering). Cameras assume the light is too bright, so choose a setting to limit light, the results can be rather dark picture.

Thus, we often need to set the ISO, shutter speed and ISO manually to get the desired dark light. For the opening, my advice using a relatively small openings such as f/8-f/16 to limit light and improve contrast.
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Posted by: Haidar Baharmuz Gadgets Effect, Updated at: 21.55

Maybe Flappy Bird Flown Back

Jakarta - Good news came from the creator Flappy Bird, Dong Nguyen. Having had time to draw the phenomenal game from the app store, he plans to bring it back.

After pulling the application Flappy Bird of iOS and Android, Nguyen appeared to the public to conduct the first interview with Rolling Stone magazine. To the media, he revealed his plans.

Rolling Stone on the occasion asked whether he plans to fly back to the mobile device Flappy Bird, Nguyen replied "I 'm considering it."

Unfortunately, he was reluctant to mention in detail when it will fly back games the players often frustrating . It is quoted on Wednesday (12/03/2014).

Most developers would feel happy if the homemade games like millions of people. But not so for Dong Nguyen.

"This game has become something that is addictive. Thought this to be a problem. To solve such problems, it is better to remove it. He is gone forever," he said to Forbes Magazine.

He is currently working on new games are still entitled to cast a simple mobile platform. Sequel Flappy Bird? He did not seem to think that way.
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Posted by: Haidar Baharmuz Gadgets Effect, Updated at: 00.30

Sophisticated! IPhone 6 Concept Tech Holograms

Jakarta - iPhone 6 handset is expected to be the next generation iPhone 5S, despite not clear when the release. But there is no harm in seeing this concept iPhone 6 , which looks attractive with the inclusion of advanced holographic technology. Like what?

Solution Set, a group of designers from Italy, making the iPhone 6 concept in video form. The body design is quite nice, but the most striking is the presence of a holographic projector on either side of the handset.

The projector is capable of displaying a holographic screen simultaneously, in the right and left side of the screen. It also can display different content, such as Facebook and YouTube on the left of the screen on the right side.

Holographic technology in the iPhone 6 is also designed to be used to display a 3 - dimensional game show. Looks very sophisticated indeed, but it still seems very difficult to be mass produced.

Apple itself has not been informed when the iPhone 6 launch. When traced from the latest iPhone launch cycle that is always present in the third quarter of each year, then the iPhone 6 possibilities announced in October 2014.

In the meantime, check out the iPhone 6 concept design hologram following:

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Posted by: Haidar Baharmuz Gadgets Effect, Updated at: 00.25

Full Specs Leaked All New HTC

Jakarta - Samsung, Sony, LG and Nokia have released their ace smartphone to compete in the year 2014. HTC is still awaited.

The All New HTC One - thus the name of the flagship phone vendor Taiwanese origin. It is planned that this smartphone will be officially released on March 25, 2014 in New York, United States.

Even so, leakage All New HTC One was spread on the internet since quite some time ago. Not just a matter of specification, even his physical appearances are not a secret anymore.

Well, from a variety of sources that is cast on the internet, complete the following questionnaire leakage specifications All New HTC One, as quoted from AndroidAndMe, Wednesday (03/12/2014):

-. Screen: 5-inch 1080p
-. CPU: Qualcomm Snapdragon 801, 2.3GHz
-. Storage: 16GB (10GB available), microSD
-. Battery: 2,600 mAh
-. Cameras: "UltraPixel" 1/3.0-inch, f/2.0 aperture, 2μm pixel size, 1080p video capture
-. Front camera: 5 megapixels
-. Dimensions: 146.36 x 70.6 x 9.35mm
-. Weight: 160 grams
-. SIM: nanoSIM
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Posted by: Haidar Baharmuz Gadgets Effect, Updated at: 00.20

BlackBerry Z30 Specifications, Gadgets Effect Review

Although dogged by problems, but wants to prove himself BlackBerry company has not been exhausted. Canadian vendor still want to talk a lot in the smartphone market with its newest innovation BlackBerry 10 phones, Z30.

In addition to offering the highest specifications compared to other BlackBerry devices, the BlackBerry 10 operating system is the latest version that also present a variety of improvised are certainly intended for the satisfaction of its users.

Not only that, the use of bandage material also included in the premium category. Interestingly, not only makes the BlackBerry Z30 looks elegant, robust structure of the body is also resilient.

Besides all, the BlackBerry Z30 still had a myriad of other advantages that are ready he handed to the users. Curious as to what? Consider just the following results complete review.

1 . New Design

By design , the BlackBerry Z30 worth can thumbs-up . Overview display made ​​by BlackBerry 's new phone does look simple , but elegant color selection combined with the use of carbon nuanced material success makes them look classy .

Elegant look noticeably thicker when glancing at the side of the encircling BlackBerry Z30 with silver accents . Increasingly felt when peering into the back area where the material carbon style dominates the entire surface .

Turning to the future , the user is immediately spoiled by the smooth surface of Gorilla Glass 2 is combined with a brilliant display SuperAMOLED screen . Blackberry use carbon -style material and smooth surface of Gorilla Glass 2 at the front and rear , users do not have to worry about leaving fingerprints on both surfaces .

While the placement of the buttons and ports operational support is not much different from most smartphones that are placed on the sides , the power button adjacent to the 3.5 mm audio port on the top .

Followed by the placement of the volume buttons on the left side as well as a micro USB port and a mini HDMI on his right side. Meanwhile, the down side there is a pair of earbuds that position a little further towards the rear.

For the placement of the camera, his position is not much different from most phones. It's just good enough for BlackBerry, where the camera and flash is placed in an oval circle which is protected by a protective glass Gorilla Glass 2.

Unfortunately for thickness measures, the BlackBerry Z30 still have to recognize the competitors who have much to offer a slimmer size. but thanks to its thickness, Blackberry Z30 was more stable in the hand.

2. New Operating System

Compared to previous BlackBerry devices, one of the advantages of BlackBerry Z30 certainly lies in its operating system. BlackBerry's latest phone has the latest update brings BlackBerry 10.2 as the operating system.

Compared to previous versions, of course, the latest update is bringing several BlacBerry 10 improvised. One of them is a feature called BlackBerry Natural Sound. This feature is claimed to be thrusting voice quality is more beautiful and more focused.

While in crowded locations, most smartphone users will look for a less crowded location when trying to call or receive calls. Thanks to the features of the BlackBerry Natural Sound, that sort of thing does not need to be done again, this feature will focus on the vowel sound that is the only caller, while the sound of the surrounding environment will be automatically decreases as back sound.

In other words, this feature will make the conversation becomes more apparent, not just the time to make phone calls, but also when users use BBM voice or video call from a BlackBerry device 10.

Another advantage offered 10.2 Update BlackBerry is its ease when receiving incoming messages such as BBM or email. Users no longer need to unlock the phone when I want to read, simply by touching the notification message on the lock screen, to the right of the notification will be immediately displayed the contents of the incoming message.

3. Performance

Questioning performance , comfort can be recognized when using the BlackBerry Z30 is slightly better than Android devices . This is because the BlackBerry Z30 is using the BlackBerry operating system that is optimized specifically 10.2 for BlackBery devices .

Slide - action shifts from one application to another party feels smooth with no lag . Even when opening multiple applications at once , it still remains satisfactory performance presented it .

To provide higher load again , we also tried to play the game Real Racing along with applications that have been previously opened . Evidently this was made ​​by EA games played smoothly without any lag symptoms at all . Even when played in quite a long time .

Unfortunately weakness ecosystem BlackBerry 10 is still far less than Android and iOS . Not to mention the many interesting applications that require user to pay to be able to feel it , while the present version of the Android and iOS it is offered for free .

4. Camera

For matters of the camera, which carries the BlackBerry Z30 8 MP camera must admit the latest phones that have offered better capabilities. But for business quality, 8 MP camera on the BlackBerry Z30 is quite promising.

This is possible thanks to the use of 5 lens elements relevant to its adoption. Not to mention its F/2.2 aperture that is claimed to be very helpful in taking pictures in low light conditions.

As for the video business is no less good, BlackBerry Z30 camera supports video recording up to full HD resolution (1080 pixels).

Unfortunately its option menu is fairly limited, only the first user will find a selection of cameras, video, and time shift in the top right. Meanwhile, when further into the menu, there is only option switches the camera, shooting modes, scene, flash and ratio.

Do not expect to find the ISO setting on the camera menu BlackBerry Z30, because the basic options such as specifying the desired resolution will not be found by users.

Even so some of the shots were done using a Blackberry Z30 camera is quite promising for a successful result in the equivalent of a balanced color throughout.

However, for matters of detail, the BlackBerry Z30 camera still camera should recognize the benefits of other phones in its class that is able to offer a more detailed shots. Evident when the zoom, the camera shots of the Blackberry Z30 tends to blur and lack of focus.

5 . Riveting Battery Life

The current mobile phone users must be familiar with the name POWERBANK . Yes , this one device is often a couple phones to avoid running out of power in the middle of the activity . But it might be not be applicable on BlacBerry Z30 .

Based on the tests performed , the BlackBerry Z30 battery life does not mess around . Under conditions of active use battery capacity of 2880 mAh which is embedded in the BlackBerry Z30 success last up to close to 2 days .

Meanwhile, when used in a more passive or standby mode , the BlackBerry Z30 can last up to 3 days .

The ability of the battery is also fairly amazing touted derived from the use of the latest technology in addition to the antenna is claimed to prevent the occurrence drop call , but can also extend battery life thanks to its tough receiver capabilities .

In other words , the problem of network signal rise and fall is often regarded as one of the factors that deplete the battery can be avoided . So the battery life can be optimally channeled to other needs .

6. shock resistant

It may be that this is the only BlackBerry Z30 advantages that may not necessarily be owned by the mobile class. Yes, resilient! Body structure that carried the BlackBerry Z30 is claimed to be able to withstand unforeseen conditions such as accidentally dropped.

Even so the Blackberry still insists that the BlackBerry Z30 is not entirely resistant to impact, because of its new mobile phone it actually does not have a security certification to represent it.

Even so, when tested, BlackBerry Z30 is proven resistant to impact. Dropped several times from a height equivalent adult chest, proved no scratches at all hurt. The entire existing functions was running normally without any problems.

7. Specification

Speaking specifications, the phone supports 4G cellular technology was confirmed as the highest caste filler compared to other Blackberry devices. Just look at the use Snapdragon S4 Pro processor with a clock speed of 1.7 GHz carried.

Not to mention the Adreno 320 graphics chip and RAM usage with a capacity of 2 GB which makes their performance increasingly applause. As for the BlackBerry Z30 storage business offers 16 GB size that still can be added via the micro SD slot is available.

Turning to the screen sector, thrusting BlackBerry Z30 5 inch size that runs at a resolution of 1280x720 pixels. Quality is somewhat bully for having relied on as a Super AMOLED technology.

For the camera, the BlackBerry relied on the ability of 8 MP camera with LED flash that uses 5 types of lens elements in it. The better when its aperture is F/2.2, making it able to produce competent results even in low-light conditions. In addition he handed video recording capability also supports full HD resolution (1080 pixels).

Sector of the front camera is also no less good, although only rely on the ability of 2 MP, about the video recording supports 1280x720 pixel resolution.

BlackBerry also not spared embed NFC technology and a micro HDMI port to display the contents of the BlackBerry screen Z30 on a wider screen.

Fun, thanks to a new feature it has, when users watch a movie on a monitor connected to the HDMI micro Blackberry Z30, users can still use his BlackBerry Z30 such as checking incoming messages without interrupting the movie is running.

The battery itself carries the claimed ability of 2880 mAh which can last up to 25 hours of active use.

Here are the full specifications BlackBerry Z30:

Prosesor Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro 1,7 GHz
GPU Adreno 320
Internal Storage 16 GB, hot swappable micro SD slot
5" SuperAMOLED 1280x720 pixel 295 ppi
Rear Camera 8 MP, 5 Element, F/2.2, 5x digital zoom, 1080p recording, LED flash
Front Camera 2 MP, 720p recording
NFC, WiFi, Bluetooth 4.0 LE
Micro HDMI
4G/LTE Networking
Battery 2880 mAh
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Posted by: Haidar Baharmuz Gadgets Effect, Updated at: 00.13

This is the New Features of Blackberry Messenger Android

Jakarta - BlackBerry just give a little update on the messaging service BlackBerry Messenger ( BBM ) for Android platform. What is it?

With this update, users can now BBM on Android include emoticons in status updates , just like in the BlackBerry handset . If the fuel has been updated through Google Play, then the emoticon icon will appear above the keyboard when the user will write a new status.

Another thing that is included in this Android update is an increase in fuel response time when opening BBM group chat and screen. Also fix some of the problems experienced by users when receiving a URL in the chat fuel.

Quoted from MobileSyrup, Wednesday ( 12/03/2015 ), the last renewal of the handset battery is optimizing the durability of the fuel when the user performs a voice call or a telephone call via BBM.

Popularity seems to fuel increased after it opened to Android and iOS. Currently, the number of users is estimated to have 80 million translucent.
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Posted by: Haidar Baharmuz Gadgets Effect, Updated at: 23.38

Apple Opponent Chinese Government

Shanghai - Apple by surprise lay claim to the Chinese government and a number of companies from the Bamboo Curtain country related to Siri patent.

Apple demands is specifically addressed to the State Intellectual Property Office, which is in charge of patent protection in China , as well as Zhizhen Network Technology, a company that developed a similar software Siri .

Reported by Xinhua on Thursday ( 27/02/2014 ), Apple has previously requested State Intellectual Property Office declared patent for ' virtual assistant ' artificial Zhizhen invalid.

However, the request is rejected. Not granting the petition was then pushed Apple to make the resistance to take legal action.

Previously, last year it Zhizhen the first Apple accused of cheating software ' Xiao i Robot '. Software patented in 2004 was said to have been used to develop Zhizhen Siri.

Zhizhen claim their products work the same way with Siri. This application is also applied to various fields including telecommunications, financial and e - commerce.
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Posted by: Haidar Baharmuz Gadgets Effect, Updated at: 03.21

5 New Features on iOS 7.1

Jakarta - In addition to patching holes in the previous version, the iOS 7.1 update released by Apple comes with the updating of some of the features that have been pinned first.

This updating iPhone or iPad in addition to making more beautiful also increasingly smooth as Apple's answer critics who say iOS 7 series devices make some slow old.

Indeed, in addition to updating there is also a new feature that is pinned . But arguably not something that is great, although quite interesting.

Here summarize updating of the features in iOS 7.1 which has been released to all iDevice compatible.

1 . Support CarPlay

Capability in iOS 7.1 is support CarPlay application which is for car entertainment system which was recently launched.

The first group of cars that will be integrated with CarPlay this is Ferrari , Mercedes Benz , and Volvo . Following the latest cars from General Motors, Honda, Hyundai, Jaguar, Land Rover, Pegeuot, Suzuki and Toyota.

In operation, the user can connect iPhone charger cable with lighting, which will automatically display all the information on the screen.

The driver can adjust all activity by using Siri. Or you can also directly use the touch screen at the inter-face screen inspired by iOS 7.

2 . New tweak

It's interesting, because some small changes nan eye catching iOS 7.1 update offered in this . For example , when receiving incoming calls now comes with a new look and logo.

When getting a call, the option 'Answer' and 'Decline' turns into a phone button logo with the words 'Accept' or 'Decline'. It looks much cleaner.

In addition, users can also change the position of the keyboard to the other modes, such as Darken Colors. So it will be much darker and reduce the sense of invisibility.

3. Camera

Indeed there is no interest from the camera in iOS 7.1. Unless this time, the user can enable HDR in automation without the need to change it to that position.

But unfortunately, this feature is only enjoyed by users of the iPhone 5S alone.

4 . Performance Speeding

In the iOS 7.1 update, Apple will fascinate older iPhone users. Because the owners of the iPhone 4 iOS 7 will be able to feel much more smooth than before.

It is the answer to iPhone 4 owners who complained that after they perform the update iOS 6.1.3 to iOS 7, some features make his device weight. Now with a new look, everything will be more lightly.

Overall, all iDevice users will feel the applications run more smoothly and quickly after renewal.

5 . Siri and TouchID

Siri will also be getting smarter. Because now more knowing when the user is finished speaking or ordered to the digital assistant feature. For example, Siri will first perform a command after the user has finished within a few seconds, can now be done after the button is released.

TouchID also claimed also much more responsive in recognizing fingerprints. So the level of security will also be maintained.
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Posted by: Haidar Baharmuz Gadgets Effect, Updated at: 03.13

IOS 7.1 Update Makes Old iPhone More Responsive

Apple released the latest update from iOS 7.1 to all iDevice users. This is a major update, after Apple also released a small update in the iOS version 7.0.6.

Some additional features embedded in the latest version to make the iPhone more attractive with some extra icons are much fresher in terms of appearance.

In the iOS 7.1 update, Apple will fascinate older iPhone users. Because the owners of the iPhone 4 iOS 7 will be able to feel much more smooth than before.

It is the answer to iPhone 4 owners who complained that after they perform the update iOS 6.1.3 to iOS 7, some features make his device weight. Now with a new look, everything will be more lightly.

Overall, all iDevice users will feel the applications run more smoothly and quickly after renewal.

No less important, in iOS 7.1 is the ability to support an application CarPlay the entertainment system for the car which was recently launched.

Siri will also be getting smarter. Because now more knowing when the user is finished speaking or ordered to the digital assistant feature. For example, Siri will first perform a command after the user has finished within a few seconds, can now be done after the button is released.

For Indonesia, the iPhone 4 to the top of the user will also get the latest updates but be patient because it does not seem to be released simultaneously.
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Posted by: Haidar Baharmuz Gadgets Effect, Updated at: 02.34

Remembering The Legendary Nokia Symbian Mobile

Symbian, the former king of the smartphone has abdicated and shortly 'died'. Ironic indeed, but at times successfully, smartphone with OS is so popular.

In the early 2000s, so many types and designs offered Symbian - based phones to market by Nokia. Its shape was varied, not selfsame.

Among the many besutan Nokia Symbian phones is of course some are getting popular label and even legendary status.

1 . Nokia 7650

This is the first Symbian phones made ​​by Nokia . Nokia 7650 series present around 2002 is capable kicked the smartphone world.

At that time, the handset uses the Symbian operating system version 6.1 has some advanced features, such as SyncML, email and MMS client.

For days, the specifications shall be borne by the Nokia 7650 handsomely dressed. Just look at 32 -bit RISC CPU, 104 MHz CPU clock and 4 MB RAM.

2 . Nokia 3650

This phone attracted my attention because smartphone users a unique shape. It is often released Nokia phones that rely on design aesthetics.

Keyboardnya only stylish circular. While features as lucrative praised that time though of course already be old fashion technology to measure now.

As the existence of 640x480 resolution camera, video recorder, video RealOne Player and XHTML browser. The phone was released April 2003 this is the favorite young servant.

3 . Nokia N- Gage QD

Symbian can also functioned as an entertainment and games. But Nokia was make a breakthrough in the series N- Gage phone. This is a handset that combines the capability to play games.

The design of Nokia N Gage QD is ciamik and describe as a game machine. A variety of games that can be played favorites such as The Sims and Tony Hawk.

This handset is not too successful as expected Nokia. Yet still the presence of bringing innovative and distinctive memories.

4 . Nokia 6682

Another Symbian phone with an unusual design. Nokia 6682 scored hits handsomely during his time. 1.3 megapixel camera resolution are sufficient at the moment.

Coupled with its software features are abundant. For example for the need for internet access, the user can install Opera web browser.

It is the form of the Nokia 6682 gambot and heavy enough time ditenteng. But good quality finishing and material specially Nokia.

5 . Nokia E90

Nokia and Symbian has also been successfully used as a business phone, not by the ordinary man. One of them is a communicator.

Communicator series has high popularity harvest. One of the names in this series is the Nokia E90.

These handsets are far more portable size than the previous generation. And features a variety of important features that a little more could replace the laptop for business people.

The official price of Rp 10 millions price. As only certain circles that could just buy it.

6 . Nokia 5800

Positioned as a music player. Nokia and Symbian has also won the same success in this segment.

Nokia 5800 released by various musical features. It is in the family of handsets Xpress Music.

Betuknya trendy and affordable price make it more lucrative interest. In the first quarter of sale, the Nokia 5800 about 2.6 million units of behavior.

Apart from quality music player, other features are not inferior sounding. As a 3.15 megapixel camera with dual LED Flash.

7 . Nokia E71

In 2008, the threat of getting a real iPhone. However, Nokia is still able to talk a lot, one of them in the presence of the Nokia E71 .

With a swathe of metal material and bodi nan thin, the handset emits an aura of elegance. Added more features as Mumpuni .

With a comfortable keyboard, and support strong web browser built in Microsoft Exchange, this handsome handset dilirik businessmen and become strong rivals BlackBerry is well-known at the time.
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Posted by: Haidar Baharmuz Gadgets Effect, Updated at: 02.25

HTC Android Phones Blocked Threatened

Germany - which is quite fierce patent war going on between Nokia with HTC in several countries. Nokia had the upper hand because it was able to convince the courts to block sales of HTC phones are considered to infringe the patent technology.

Court of Munich Regional Court in Germany stating all HTC Android phone models that are currently marketed in the country, deserves to banned at the request of Nokia. The judge who presided at the trial Matthias Zigan stating that HTC infringed Nokia patents related to methods of information transfer via NFC or Bluetooth.

HTC can still appeal against the decision. If still lost on appeal , then the HTC Android phone models can be directly blocked sales in Germany. Or middle road , HTC wants to pay patent licensing at Nokia.

Previously, Nokia has managed to block sales of HTC Mini in the UK related to patent infringement. However, HTC is still trying to appeal the decision to confront .

Both HTC and Nokia actually being exhausted in the world mobile phone industry. Nokia has acquired Microsoft and HTC sales continued to fall despite a good product. Similarly, as quoted from BGR, Thursday ( 02/01/2014 ).
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Posted by: Haidar Baharmuz Gadgets Effect, Updated at: 02.09

Patented Samsung Tablets That Can Futuristic Foldable

Seoul - what more innovative products that will be presented by Samsung at this year? Likely one would relate to the tablet. South Korean electronics giant has just get right to the patent tablet futuristic design.

As quoted from PhoneArena, Tuesday (01/07/2014), which officially became a patent owned by Samsung on December 31 that describes how a tablet can be folded.

In the patent sketches folded into a tablet is described as a book. This design will also reportedly be used on a smartphone. So, could the public in the future will see a smartphone or tablet that can be folded.

Unfortunately, there is no description of how the tablet it will work later. But most likely Samsung is going to realize this design prototype into a real product.
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Posted by: Haidar Baharmuz Gadgets Effect, Updated at: 02.04

Patented Samsung Galaxy S5 Body Sensor

Jakarta - Not just frightening specifications, Samsung seems to also be pinned on a myriad of new features on the Galaxy S5. This is evidenced through a sensor patent Samsung announced a new body.

In the visible Samsung renew patent gesture controls its features. Not just moving the head, as quoted from Phone Arena, Monday ( 01/13/2014 ), the latest Samsung technology also allows the use of eye blink.

At Galaxy S4, gesture controls feature Samsung is still limited to only head movement , such as page scrolling the Internet by nodding head or stop the video being watched by the way turned.

It is unclear as to what the latest implementations of gesture controls Samsung Galaxy S5 later on, but for sure Samsung will come back thrust on innovation anyarnya the successor to the Galaxy S4.

Regardless of the patents, it is no less interesting is the design of existing mobile phone on patent illustrations. Although only limited support images, some calling speculation S5 Galaxy design will have proximity with the design of the image. Who knows ?
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Posted by: Haidar Baharmuz Gadgets Effect, Updated at: 01.59

A7 Processor Apple Accused of Patent Steal Scientist

Jakarta - Apple again dealing with issues related to patents, but this time not with Samsung. Yes, a number of scientists who are members of the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation accused the 64-bit processor A7 infringe their patents.

Processors contained in the iPhone 5S and the latest iPad accused of violating patent number 5,781,752 titled Table Based Data Speculation Circuit for Parallel Processing Computer.

Computer scientists who are members of the organization, Andreas Moshovos, Scott Breach, Terani Vijaykumar, and Gurindar Sohi, said the patent was able to increase work efficiency and performance of the device.

In its claim, the scientists asked Apple to pay some compensation in the form of money. But unfortunately, did not say how much compensation they requested. Thus quoted from Apple Insider, Tuesday (04/02/2014).

There has been no comment from Apple regarding the latest demands related to the patent issues.
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Posted by: Haidar Baharmuz Gadgets Effect, Updated at: 01.53

HTC and Nokia Agree to Peace

Jakarta - Nokia finally agreed to terms with HTC patent -related dispute involving two. This agreement will be set forth in an agreement that has been signed.

In the points of the agreement , HTC will make payments to Nokia, while the two collaboration will involve the LTE patent portfolio from HTC that will strengthen future licensing deals Nokia.

Unfortunately there are several articles which can not be known by the public. However. The two companies will also explore the opportunities of future technological cooperation.

"We are very excited with the achievement of settlement and the establishment of a cooperative agreement with HTC that has long been a licensee for a standard essential patents belonging to Nokia," said Paul Melin, Nokia 's Chief Intellectual Property Officer, through a release on Sunday ( 09/02/2014 ).

"As a pioneer in the smartphone industry with a strong patent portfolio, HTC welcomed the birth of a deal that would make us to continue to focus on creating innovations that we offer to the loyal customers," finished Grace Lei, General Counsel of HTC.

Previously, HTC proved violate Nokia's patents EP1579613. This patent relates to methods and equipment that allows mobile stations adapting the revision level, based on the network protocol revision level.

But basically, this technology is redundant in HTC devices. So if HTC does not use it is not going to affect the function of the device.

Based on court decisions in Germany, HTC no longer allowed to use this functionality on devices sold in the State Chancellery.
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Posted by: Haidar Baharmuz Gadgets Effect, Updated at: 01.50

Korea Rejects Microsoft-Nokia Acquisition

Jakarta - Microsoft seems to still be patient completed the process of buying Nokia . After China's alliance with Samsung and Google reject the acquisition, this time turn South Korea expressed a similar attitude .

As reported by Business Korea , Tuesday ( 11/03/2014 ) , Korea Electronics Association recently petitioned the Federal Communications Commission ( FCC ) that it claims that Microsoft could use Nokia patents to monopolize the market .

" Nokia has cross - licensing agreement with Samsung Electronics , Apple and a number of other vendors . Yet now , Nokia could have filed a patent lawsuit or ask for royalties indefinitely , " said Hwang Eun - jeong , a lawyer who represents Korea Electronics Association .

Previously , Google and Samsung urging the Chinese government to ensure that the acquisition of Nokia by Microsoft is not going to lead to higher licensing fees on patents remaining in the Finnish company .

Both are joined by a series of Chinese companies such as Huawei and ZTE , highlighting the increased ammo Microsoft in the smartphone market . The company is asking that Chinese authorities create fair market conditions .

This demand seems to be approved smoothly , considering China's Ministry of Commerce did not allow the practice of market monopoly.
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Posted by: Haidar Baharmuz Gadgets Effect, Updated at: 01.46
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